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New to the TFPR Family

We are so excited to welcome two awesome new clients to the TFPR family, Adora and!

About Adora (smartphone app):

Adora is not asking users to change their mobile device use. Their users don’t even have to open the app or take any more time out of their busy days to do good through Adora. The app gives their users a choice they have never had before–to choose where their advertising earnings go. They make it clear that no donation is too small to make a difference.

"This is what stops most of us from doing more. We have enough trouble balancing our lives as it is. Many of us believe that unless our donation is large, it doesn’t make a difference. Or that unless we spend hours or days volunteering, then anything less is not worth the small impact."


About (website catering to grandparents):

At the goal is to connect and inspire today's families. As the Trusted Resource for Grandparents, they strengthen the ties between family members, promoting well-being and giving timely information and expert advice on what really matters to you, from health and money, to travel and retirement. Their stories and videos celebrate the role of grandparents, and encourage you to tell your story, passing on a meaningful legacy to your children and grandchildren.


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